Psych 102 Exam 1

Psych 102 Exam 1 Review

84 cards   |   Total Attempts: 200

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Capacity to change.
Produce changes in an individual's physical nature.
Biological Processes
Refer to changes in the individual's thought, intelligence, and language.
Cognitive Processes
Involve changes in the individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.
Socioemotional Processes
Systematic statement of principles and generalizations that provides a coherent framework for studying development.
Developmental Theories
Interprets human development in terms of motives and drives, has made us aware of importance of early childhood experiences.
Psychoanalytic Theory
Emphasis on ways that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it. Individuals develop a gradually increasing capacity for information, which allows them to acquire increasingly complex knowledge and skills.
Information-Processing Theory
Studies groups differing in age but sharing other important characteristics (education, SES, ethnicity)
Cross-Sectional Research
Studies individuals over a long period; valuable developmental information from these studies.
Longitudinal Research
Studies several groups of people at different ages, then follows these groups longitudinally.
Cross-Sequential Research
Cognitive/ Stage (through adolescence)
Psychosocial/ Stage (through adolescence)
Psychosocial/ Stage (throughout lifespan)
Cognitive/ Continuous
Vygotksy/ Information-Processing
The way that we reason and come to know the world changes from one developmental stage to the next.