PSY 301 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222


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Circadian Rhythm
- 24-hour cycle of day and night through a biological clock - suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)— hypothalamus that control the circadian clock; produces sleep-producing melatonin - light disrupts 24-hour clock
REM Sleep
- rapid eye movement-10 minutes long - heart rate rises, breathing irregular and rapid, - aka paradoxical sleep; the body is internally aroused and externally calm
Alpha Waves
- awake but in unrelated state - quicker waves
Delta Waves
- your in a hard to awaken state for 30 minutes - slow, longer waves
Sleep Theories
1. Sleep protects- ex- ancestors better off in a cave than hunting for food at night 2. Sleep helps us recuperate- helps us restore brain tissue and neurons 3. Sleep also for remembering- restore and rebuild memory; people trained for a task remember better after a well nights sleep 4. Sleep may play a role in growth- pituitary gland releases a growth hormone. As we age, we release less of this hormone and spend less time in deep sleep
- sufferers experience periodic, overwhelming sleepiness - attacks are less than 5 min and occur at most inopportune times - could cause a collapse directly into REM sleep
Sleep Apnea
- intermittently stop breathing during sleep - caused by decreased blood oxygen causes person to awake about 100 times per night - causes snoring
Night Terrors
- targets children - may sit up or walk around, talk incoherently, increased heart/breathing rate - occurs during REM sleep; seldom fully wake up-don’t remember
REM rebound
-when REM sleep deprived there an increase in REM rebound
Posthypnotic suggestions
- try to help patients harness own healing power- alleviate headaches, asthma, skin disorders
- a split between different levels of consciousness - dissociates the sensation of the pain stimulus from the emotional suffering that defines our experience of pain
Age regression
recovering memory as far back as birth - people being abducted by UFO’s - the belief in aliens, have gone through hypnosis before
Unconditioned response (UR) unlearned
-natural occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus
- ex- salivating when food is in mouth
Unconditioned stimulus (US) unlearned
- the stimulus that causes the unconditional response cause naturally
- ex- food causes salivation
Conditioned response (CR) learned
-salvation in response to a tone was conditional upon the dogs learning the association between the food and tone