Psy 200 Chapter 12

Essentials of Psychology, Concepts and Applications 3rd Ed.

21 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Medical Model
A framework for understanding abnormal behavior patterns as symptoms of underlying disorders or disease
Biopsychosocial Model
An integrative model for explaining abnormal behavior patterns in terms of the interactions of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors
Diathesis-stress Model
A type of biopsychosocial model that relates the development of disorders to the combination of a diathesis, or predisposition, usually genetic in origin, and exposure to stressful events or life circumstances
A vulnerability or predisposition to developing a disorder
Psychological Disorders (Mental disorders / mental illnesses)
Abnormal behavior patterns characterized by disturbances in behavior, thinking, perceptions, or emotions that are associated with significant personal distress or impaired functioning.
Social Phobia
A type of anxiety disorder involving excessive fear of social situations
Specific Phobia
Phobia reactions involving specific situations or objects
Excessive fear of heights
Excessive, irrational fear of being in public places
Panic Disorder
A type of anxiety disorder involving repeated episodes of sheer terror called panic attacks
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
A type of anxiety disorder involving persistent and generalized anxiety and worry
Dissociative disorders
A class of psychological disorders involving changes in consciousness, memory, or self-identity
Somatoform disorders
A class of psychological disorders involving physical ailments or complaints that cannot be explained by organic causes
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
A type of dissociative disorder characterized by the appearance of multiple personalities in the same individual
Conversion Disorder
A type of somatoform disorder characterized by a change in or loss of physical function that cannot be explained by medical causes