Progressive Reformers and Muckrakers

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Henry George
-Big difference between wealthy industrialists and poor workers
John Dewey
-Role of public education in real-life training
John Spargo
-Abuses of child labor
-Criticism found in Bitter Cry of the Children
Walter Rauchenbusch
-Social Gospel Movement

Lincoln Steffans
-St. Louis political machine- political corruption
-Criticism appeared in McClure's
Ida Turbell
Standard Oil
-Criticism found in McClure's
Ray Stannard Baker
-Discrimination against Africian Americans and North and South lynching
Jane Addams
-Citizens get involved locally to help social problems
-Criticism found in Democracy and Social Ethics
Reform movement which tried find ways to solve urban problems
Investigative journalists who tried to expose corruption in politics and business.