Professional Selling: Test 2: Chapter 8


11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What is the primary purpose of the pre-approach. What types of information should a salesperson hope to gather during the pre-approach?
Preparation and research a salesperson does before making the sales call; knowing as much as possible about prospect

About the company – Demographics– Company news – Financial performance About the company’s customers – Customer demographics – Size of customer base –What customers are saying about your prospect• About the current buying situation – Type of purchase – Competitor/current provider – Current pricing• About the contact person – Title and role in the company – Professional background– Personal information– Essential problem(s) your contact needs to solve– Motivation for buying
How can a salesperson use the same “imagining” (visualization) techniques used by athletes?
They think about their play (plan) and how they will score (get a sale) They weigh out all their obstacles for each play (plan) to figure out what approach is best
What is generally the primary goal of the pre-approach phone call to a prospect? Why does the instructor urge you to hang up quickly after the objective is met?
To set up an appointment/meeting; View the appointment as a mini‐sale: You’re selling the appointment over the phone, not your service or product.
So you don't hear any weird noise in the background
What are the methods used to gain entry to see a prospect? What are the most effective? Which are the least effective?
Gaining Entry: Making the first appointment • Letter - the weakest, so follow with a telephone call • Cold call - good, but often time consuming • Telephone - saves time and money
Why is the least effective methods from #4 still used in prospecting?
Because you can follow up with a telephone call
What are SMART objectives?
have a reasonable goal by a specific time
What should be goal one in respect to gatekeepers? What is your fallback tactic? (Chapter 9)
To get to your prospectto network with other people, get a lead
Identifying the potential buyers for a product or a service •
Determining whether a lead has the desire and ability to buyyour product or service
Preparation and research a salesperson does before makingthe sales call
First few minutes of a sales call, during which the salesperson explains her purpose for coming and establishes a rapport