NCLEX Procedures Flashcards

Here are the Flashcards based on the NCLEX Procedures. Here any student who is studying for NCLEX Procedures can gain great knowledge with the help of our flashcards. Learn and study in an easy and simple way about the NCLEX Procedures with Flashcard quizzes.

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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Central Venous Catheter:
- signs of air embolism is coughing, pale, dyspneic - position pt on left and lower HOB
Know ausculatation landmarks
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[A]ortic = R, 2nd intercostal[P]ulmonic = L, 2nd intercostal [E]rb's pt = L, 3rd intercostal (s1 s2)[T]ricuspid = lower left, 4th intercostal[M]itral = Left 5th intercostal, midclavicular line
Have blood pressure cuff near
Autologous blood is
Own blood
Can donate blood up to ____ weeks before surgery
Bulge test
Confirms fluid in knees ; legs should be extended
Chest tube:
- constant bubbling in water seal chamber indicates leak
Ostomy care
Inspect and change bag once a week
TPN has a high glucose content:
Monitor for HYPERglycemia esp first 24 hours
Salem sump pump
Is not like a chest tube; should hear a hissing sound that air is exiting airway
Lumbar puncture
Pt will remain in lying down position for 8 hrs after procedure
Chief complaint should be recorded
With patient's own words
Dye is used; asked about allergies
Wet-to-dry dressing change:
- remove old dressing dry so would debris and necrotic tissue is removed ; do not add sterile saline
After total hip replacement
- pillow between legs prevents dislocation of prosthesis.

- Keep heels OFF the bed to prevent pressure sores.