Define the Code of Federal Register Flashcards

Here is the list of flashcards which is based on the Define the Code of Federal Register in the form of flashcard quizzes. Try to attempt these quizzes and gain some knowledge on the Code of Federal Register.

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are the eligibility requirements for a private pilot certificate?
A) 17 years of age b) Read, speak, write, understand english c) hold @ least 3rd class medical certificate d) received required ground and flight training endorsements e) Meet the applicable aeronatical experience requirements f) passed the required knowledge and practical test
What privileges and limitations apply to a private pilot?
No person who holds a private pilot certificate may act as a pilot in command carrying passengers or property for compensation or hire. a) may act as PIC in connection with business if it is incidental b) may not pay less than pro rata share of expenses with passengers c) may act as PIC of a/c used in passenger carrying for charitable organization d) may be reimbursed for search and locations operations e) may demonstrate a/c in flight to buyer if pilot is a salesman and has at least 200 hours logged f) may act as PIC of a/c towing glider if they meet requirements (100 hrs pic in same cat/class)
To act as PIC, or required flight crewmember, what must a pilot have in their possesion or readily available in the a/c
A) valid pilot certificate b) photo identification c) current medical certificate
What is the definition of a high performance airplane, and requirement to act as PIC of one?
More than 200hp a) received and logged ground an flight training and found proficient b) received endorsement in logbook from authorized instructor
Other than high performance and complex, what other types of a/c require specific training and endorsements?
High altitude airplanes pressurized a/c that has a service ceiling abouve 25000 feet msl. Tailwheel airplane
What is a complex airplane, and what are the requirements to act as PIC?
A complex airplane has retractable gear, flaps, and a controllable pitch prop a) received and logged ground and flight training and found proficient b) received endorsement in logbook
Requirements to remain current as a private pilot
A) flight review and logbook endorsement every 24 months by a CFI b) to carry passengers must have made in last 90 days: 3 takeoffs and landings of same category class and type(if type reguired); tailwheel must be to a full stop; night ops (1 hr after sunset to 1 hr before sunrise) must be to full stop in same cat, class and type(if type required)
With respect to certification, priveleges, and limitations of airmen; define Category, Class and Type
Category-broad classification of aircraft(airplane, rotocraft, glider) Class-a classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics (single engine land, mult engine land) Type-a specific make and basic model of aircraft including modifications that do not change its handling or flight characteristics
What medical certificate is required for private pilot and how long is it valid?
3rd class medical a) 36 months under 40 b) 24 months over 40
If a pilot changes his permanent mailing address and fails to notify th FAA, how long may the pilot continue to exercise the privileges of his pilot certificate?
30 days after the date of the move
What documents are required on board an aircraft prior to flight?
A - Airworthiness Certificate B - Registration Certificate O - Owner's Manual/Op limits W - Weight and Balance data
How can a pilot determine if his a/c is equipped with a Mode C transponder?
Current weight and balance equipment list for a/c
When will an aircraft registration certificate expire?
A) a/c is registered in foreign country b) registration of a/c is cancelled at the written request of the holder of the certificate. c) a/c is totally destroyed d) ownership transferred e) holder loses US citizenship f) 30 days since death of certificated holder
Who is responsible for ensuring a/c is maintained in an airworthy condition?
Owner or operator of an a/c is primarily responsible
After a/c inspections have been made and defects have been repaired, who is responsible for determining that the a/c is airworthy?