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Homeobox gene
Mother's RNA activates gap genes or pair genes (differentialy based on location i guess activating homeobox genes which produce trasncription factors that activate the realizor genes. homeoboxe are differentially activated in a caudal cephalic axis.
Bilaminar disc
The embryoblasts of the blastocyst (outer ring is trophoblast - begin secreting hcg in week 1)
differentiate into a bilayered disc, 1 layer of epiblast one of hypoblast during week 2 (wwek 2 = 2 layers) amnion (an inner layer of the chorion, from which yolk sac will eventually develop) developed at beggining of this week.
Primitive streak
Forms in week 3 from the epiblasts, its a radius of the disc and defines ant-post axis. epiblasts migrate inferior through the primitve streak to become a middle cell layer ie mesoderm. neural plate forms next to primitive streak. notochord forms below it from the mesoderm --> induces neural plate formation in fact. becomes uclei pulposus.
(week 3 = 3 layers forms)
Embryonic period
Weeks 3 - 8 neural tube forms and closes, organogenissi, extremely susceptible to teratogens here. before this its all or nothing, after the organ will be there but may be missized or functioning
Week 4
Heart beats, limb buds form (week 4 = 4 chambers, 4 limbs)
Fetal period
Begins week 8, looks liek a fetus and moves.
Week 10
Genetalia can be sex distinguished. neural tube differentiates to be recognizable as spinal cord, sensory (dorsal horn) called alar, motor called basilar.
What the three layers become
Mostly obvious ex surface ectoderm forms adenohyphisis, sensory organs of the ear. remeber aslo it envaginates so forms the oral cavity lining and some of the ass hole.
neural crest non obvious: pia and arachnoid and skullbones incl odontoblasts and the aortico-pulmonary septum, melanocytes and parafollicular of the thyroid
endoderm: remeber the gut gives off the accesory gi organs as well as the lungs, thyroid and parathyroid (folic cells)
every other organ is prety much mesoderm
Happens in the embryonic period, so all the fetal misdevlopments look "intrinsic"
Occurs in fetal period, so fuck up can be identified with the "extrinsic" insult
Means the primordial cell for that tissue never formed
Mis plasia
A means lack of proper proliferation of primordial cell resulted in no organ, hypo means resulted in deificent organ.
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Leading cause of birth defects and retardation, microcephaly, holoprosencephaly (prosen is the forebrain of embryo, holo for whole ie doesnt develop two hemispheres) limb dislocations, heart/lung fistulas, asian/black/thinupperlip(belgian) face
Ace inhibtors
Renal damge in fetus
Alkylating agents
Ie add a methyl group and extra fingers too!