Principles of Supervision Flashcards

Here are the flashcards quiz based on Principles of Supervision in the form of quizzes. These flashcards consist of everything related to the Principles of Supervision. Attempt this set of flashcards and learn about principles of supervision.

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Organizational chart
Show the relationship between employees and their peers
Delphi Technique
When a supervisior admisters a questionaire among participants that have never met
Theory X
When a supervisor beleives that all employees are lazy and dislike work
TQM stands for
Total quality managment
Decsion tree
Shows alternate paths for decision making
Gantt chart
Shows Timelines for projects
Theory Y
When a supervisor believes that all employees like work is called
TQM's goal is
Long term success through customer satisfaction
Henri Fayol
Responsible for developing the 14 principles of management
Leadership characteristics that inspire employees
The Organizational structure where a group performing a specialized task reports to a manager in that same area
The organizational structure where organizations are structured around a project or event
Hawthorne Effect
When an interest in people shanges the effect on the output.
Information that is difficult to measure is called
Line and staff
The Organizational structure where there are staffs departments support other departments