PPR Exam D1 Comp. 2

The teacher u nderstan

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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The beginning teacher: Demonstrates knowledge of students with diverse personal and social characteristics (e.g., those related to ethnicity , gender, language background, exceptionality) and the significance of student diversity for teacher, learning, and assessment.
Compentency 2 A
The beginning teacher: Accepts and respects students with diverse backgrounds and needs.
Competency 2 B
The beginning teacher: Knows how t use diversity in the classroom and the community to enrich all students' learning experiences.
Competency 2 C
The beginning teacher: Knows strategies for enhancing one's own understanding of students' diverse backgrounds and needs.
Compentency 2 D
The beginning teacher: Knows how to plan and adapt lessons to address student's varied backgrounds, skills, interests, and learning needs, including the needs of English-language learners and students with disabilities.
Competency 2 E
The beginning teacher: Understands cultural and socioeconomic differences (including differential access to technology) and knows how to plan instruction that is reponsive to cultural and socioeconomic differences among students.
Competency 2 F
The beginning teacher: Understands the instructional significance of varied student learning needs and preferences.
Competency 2 G