How Are Oats Made?

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
Hey guys, my name is Oat. I am a whole grain, packed with lots of fibre, vitamins, and minerals! I am healthy for your heart! But I haven’t always looked like this. Let me show you where I came from!
Question 2
Oats grow best in colder climates. Guess which country exports the most oats in the world? It’s Canada! I was grown at a farm in the Peace River region of B.C.
Question 3
One sunny summer day, an oat seed was planted in the soil. That’s me! I need rain and sunshine to grow.
Question 4
Two months later, it’s fall, and it’s time for me to be harvested! But I’m not ready to be eaten just yet. Let’s go to the mill!
Question 5
I'm at the mill! First, I have to get cleaned. This machine separates out all of the rocks, sticks, and other objects that we don’t want in our food.
Question 6
Now it’s time to get hulled! The hulling machine removes my outer shell, which is too hard for people to eat.
Question 7
Next, I have to go in the kiln! This machine is hot and steamy. It prevents harmful germs from growing on me!
Question 8
I’m almost done getting processed! I’m going to be a rolled oat, so I get steamed once again, rolled until I’m flat, and then dried out.
Question 9
Time to get packaged! I get scooped into a bag with other rolled oats, and we’re shipped off to the grocery store!
Question 10
Grocery store
I was bought at the grocery store! You can use oats to make lots of different foods. I’m going to become granola!
Question 11
To make granola, I’m drizzled with honey and baked in the oven. You can also mix in nuts, seeds, and dried fruit! Now, I’m granola, and I’m excited to be a part of your yogurt parfait!