POS2041 Exam 1

Establishing a Constitutional Democracy

121 cards   |   Total Attempts: 224

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Government of the few.

-leaders are chosen by virtue of birth into noble families.

(Roman Republic)

people legally entitled to vote for an office holder.
Government in which all citizens share power.
Direct Democracy
All citizens participate personally in making gov't decisions.
Electoral Incentive
The desire to be elected and re-elected to office
Performs four key functions

-protects citizens from unlawful activity
-regulates social and economic relationships
-provides services
-defends the country from foriegn aggression
-proposed law or amendment to a state constitution placed on the ballot in response to a citizen petition.
Perverse form of "aristocracy"

usually a few individuals who have captured power either through military action or a political party.

*China is controlled by a small group of communist party leaders
Permanent Campaign
Campaigning never ends

-seperation of elections
-decline of parties
-rise of interest groups
-communications technology
-growth of polling
-cost of campaigns
Popular Model of Democracy

Responsible Model of Democracy
-citizens play an active part political issues, and vote respectively

-citizens mandates, or instructions to their representatives

-how the American democracy works according to book
 -citizens play a more passive role. elected officials have more responsibility

-no mandates and instructions, more based on trust.

-less time and energy on voting decision making

-vote “retrospectively”

Used in referring to a proposistion and a referendum
Recall Election
When dissatisfied citizens try to remove incumbents from office before the completion of their term.
Law or state constitutional amendment that is proposed by a legislature or other elected body but goes into effect only if approved by a specified majority of voters.
Representative Democracy
An indirect form of democracy in which the people choose representatives who determine what gov't does
Opposed the ratification of the Constitution

-claimed that a strong national gov't would lead to suppression of the rights of states and of individual citizens