Population Vocabulary

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 196

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Study of population numbers, distribution, trends and issues Which word belongs to this definition?
Yearly number of live births per 100
Birth rate
Yearly number of deaths per 100
Death rate
Difference between the birth rate and death rate

Natural increase rate
Yearly number of deaths under 1 year old per 100
Infant mortality rate
Yearly number of deaths between 1 and 8 years old per 1000
Child mortality rate
To enter a country other than your own native country to live there permanently
number of new Canadians who have immigrated here from another country per 1000 of Canada’s population
Immigration rate
A person who moves to a new country
One of the categories of immigrants to Canada
To leave your country of origin to live elsewhere
yearly number of people per 1000 who move elsewhere
Emigration rate
difference between people moving to a country and people moving elsewhere from that same country = Immigration Rate – Emigration Rate
Net migration rate
Something that makes people want to leave their country and move to another (e.g., discrimination, unemployment)
Push factors
something that attracts people to another country (e.g., freedom of speech, educational opportunities)
Pull factors