Political Science 101 Exam 3 - Lecture 1

(University of South Carolina - LANZ)

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Overview of IOs and NGOs
IOs contain governmentsNGOs contain individualsIOs>300 NGOs>1000s
UN: Background
1945San Francisco --> NYCextension of League of Nations by Wilson in 1919
Purpose:-serves as a peace-keeping role-3 pillars:1. Security2. Development3. Human rights - spread of democratic system
UN: Organization
General Assembly - (plan, discuss, make initiatives)Security Council - (most power). actual decisions made.1. Permanent members - -US, UK, France, China, and Russia
2. Non-permanent members (10 of them)3. Non-members:-Kosovo, Taiwan, and Vatican City
UN: Peacekeeping
-Ends/prevents small wars-16 missions, most in Africa, Bosnia, Iraq-Largest mission in the Congo
UN: Problems
Lack of effectivenessNo natural army
UN: Proposed Changes
Expand security council by including Germany & Japan.Right to self defense. Help with the aftermath of war by rebuilding.
UN: Programs (6 of them)
UNEP - environmentUNDP - developmentUNCTAD - trade
UNICEF - children
UNHCR - refugees
UNESCO - educational, scientific, cultural
UN: Autonomous Agencies (3 of them)
WHO - healthFAO - agricultureIMF - international monetary fund