Poetry: Modes and Genres

Poems can be grouped by modes used to convey his/ her subject 

8 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is an ode?
A complex, serious, long lyric poem typically one theme purpose may be to eulogize someone or something
What is a sonnet?
A 14 line poem written in iambic pentameter
What is the Italian (Petrarchan) Sonnet?
8 lines (abba abba rhyme scheme) asks question or presents statement that is answered or addressed in concluding six lines
What is the English (Shakespearean) Sonnet?
Three quatrains (4 lines) concluding with couplet in abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme
What is Spenserian Sonnet?
3 quatrains (4 lines) in linked rhyme scheme: abab bcbc cdcd ee
What is a ballad?
Narrative songs subject usually courage or love 4-line stanzas in abcb defe rhyme scheme generally in iambic foot
What is limerick?
Nonsense verse written in 5 anapestic lines with trimeter (lines 1,3,5) & dimeter (lines 2,4) rhythm aabba rhyme scheme
What is an epigram?
Short poem witty with twist in thought clever saying used to eulogize, satirize, or compliment