Plant Structure, Reproduction, and Development

Concentration of Plan

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What are the two groups of angiosperms?
Monocots and diocots (eudicots) monocots - embryo has one seed leaf diocots - embryo has two seed leaves
What is a plant organ?
Consiss of sevelal types of tissues that together carry out particular functions.
On behalf of the plants, its stem and leaves will be depended on what sources from generalized environment.
They will be depended on water and minerals absorbed by roomts in order to develop, reproduce, and structure.
Define root system
A plant's ________anchors it in the soil, absorbs and transports minerals and water, and stores food. -The fibrous root system of a monocot consists of a mat of generally thin roots spread out shallowly in the soil -eudioctos have one main vertical taproot with many small secondary lateral roots growing outward.
The root in both monocots and eudicots, a vast number of tiny projections called _______. ________ - enormously increase the root surface area for absorption of water and minerals.
A plant is made up of stems, leaves, and adaptations for reproduction - flower, in angiosperms. Sterms: are generally above ground, supported leaves and flowers.
A stem has _____, the points at which elaves are attached, and ________, the portions of the stem betwee ________.
Are the main photosynthetic organs in most plants although green stems also perform photosynthesis. Most leaves consist of a flattened blade and a stalk, or petiole, which joins the leaf to a node of the stem.
Answer 9
1. at the apex (tip) of the stem, has developing leaves and a compact series of nodes and internodes. called __________. 2. one in the each of the angles formed by a leaf and the stem, are usually dormant. called _____. 3. In many plants, the terminal bud produces hormones that inhibit growth of the axillary buds, a phenomenon called ___________.
What happen to the plant when removing the terminal bud?
Usually stimulates the growth of axillary buds. THi is why pruning fruits trees and "pinching back" houseplants makes them bushier.
Name the two organ systems and three basic organs found in all plants.
ROOT SYSTEMS and SHOOT SYSTEMS Roots, stems and leaves
Name several plants that all are ususally formed large taproots that store food in the form of carbohyrates such as starch.
Carrots Turnips, Sugar beets, and sweet potatoes
Answer 13
-the large, brownish, rootlike structures. -horizontal stems that grow just below or along the soil surface -store food and, having buds, they can also spread and form new plants.
Answer 14
The potato plant has rhizomes that end in enlarge structures specialized for storage called ______. (the potatoes we eat)
DEFINE: Tendril
A modified leaf with its tips coiled around a stem. ____ help plants climb -find in grapevines are known as modified leaves that protect the plant from being eaten by animals.