Plant Nutrition

Bio2 plant nutrition

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Water and minerals
Plants acquire these from the soil through its roots
Carbon dioxide
A plant acquires this through the open stomata of the leaves. as this enters the leaves, oxygen and water vapor exit the leaves.
Oxygen and water vapor
As carbon dioxide enters the leaves, these leave the leaves
A plant acquires this from the sun
Hydroponic culture
A plant is grown without soil, in a mineral solution. a tube "aerates" the culture by pumping oxygen (needed for aerobic respiration) into the mineral solution
Essential nutrient
A nutrient that a plant is unable to complete its life cycle without; a plant would die without it. there are 17
Elements that plants require in relatively large amounts. there are nine: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfur
Elements that plants need only small amounts of. there are eight: chlorine, iron, manganese, boron, zinc, copper, nickel, and molybdenum
Mineral deficiency symptom
A symptom (depending on the function of the element) that occurs when an essential element is not present in adequate quantities
Mobile nutrient
A nutrient that moves about freely in the plant. younger parts of the plant are more effective at drawing in nutrients in short supply than older parts of the plant. therefore, with these, deficiency symptoms will first appear on the older parts of the plant
Immobile nutrient
Does not freely move about the plant. because older parts of the plant might have an adequate supply of the immobile nutrient, it is the younger parts of the plant that exhibit deficiency symptoms first
Nitrogen deficiency
Results in leaves yellow from the tip to the center. it exhibits chlorosis of all its leaves
Potassium deficiency
Results in leaves with edges that are colored in a "firing" pattern with yellows and reds
Phosphate deficiency
Results in leaves with reddish-purple edges, particularly in the younger leaves
Characteristic of the soil which is a major contributor to a plants success; the general structure of the soil. this largely depends on the size of the soil's particles