Piper PA -23 Apache Oral Test Questions

These are questions that will probably be asked on a multi engine checkride in a Piper PA-23 Apache

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Tell me about the engines on the Apache
Lycoming engines 150 hp at 2700 RPM four cylinders normally aspirated
What is the oil capacity
8 quarts max 2 quarts minimum six -- 7 quarts normal
What type of propellers are on the Apache
Hartsell fulfilled during propellers
What forces act on the propellers
Springs counterweights oil pressure and aerodynamic forces area springs and counterweights to drive the prop to coarse pitch toward feather, oil pressure and aerodynamic forces drive it towards fine pitch take off
Why do the props not feather when you shut the engine down on the ground
There are locking pins that drop into place at about 700 or 800 RPM
How many fuel tanks are on the Apache