Explain Visual Approach Slope Indicator Flashcards

Prep for private pilot

129 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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While on final approach to a runway equipped w a standard 2-bar VASI, the lights appear as shown by illustration D. This means that the aircraft is

Below the glide slope. The below glide slope indication from a two-bar VASI is red over red lights.
Ref: AIM 2-1-2
From which primary source should info be obtained regarding expected weather at the estimated time of arrival if your destination has no Terminal Forecast?
Area Forecast
Which crusing altiutde is appropriate for a VFR flight on a magnetic course of 135 degrees?
Odd thousandths plus 500 feet
When flying in the airspace underlying Class B airspace, the maximum speed authorized is
200 knots
What is the approximate base of the cumulus clouds if the surface air temp at 1,000 feet MSL is 70 F and the dewpoint is 48 F?
6000 feet MSL
What is the relative bearing to the station?
235 degrees

Hazardous attitudes occur to every pilot to some degree at some time. What are some of these hazardous attitudes?
Antiauthority, impulsivity, macho, resignation, and invulnerability.
Reference: AC 60-22
(Refer to figure 21, area 2.) The elevation of the Chesapeake Regional Airport is
20 feet (The airport elev is noted in the airport information, beneath the airport symbol. The elev of Chesapeake Regional Airport is 20 feet.)

(Refer to Figure 16) What sky condition and type obstructions to vision are forecast for upper Michigan in the western portions from 0200Z until 0500Z?
Ceiling becoming 1,000 feet overcast with visibility 3 to 5 statute miles in mist.
(in the western portions of upper Michigan, ceilings are forecast to be overcast at 1,000 feet with visibility between 3-5 stature misles in mist.)
Ref: AC 00-45
(refer to Fig 52) If more than one crusing altitude is intended, which should be entered in block 7 of the flight plan?
Initial crusing altitude

To meet the recency of experience requirements to act as pilot in command carrying passengers at night, a pilot must have made at least three landings to a full stop within the preceding 90 days in
The same category and class of aircraft to be used
What is a characteristic of stable air
Stratiform clouds
(Refer to fig 30, illustration 2) What is the relative bearing TO the station?
235 degrees
(refer to fig 27, areas 4 and 3: and fig 29) The VOR is tuned to Jamestown VOR, and the aircraft is positioned over Cooperstown Airport. Which VOR indication is correct?
During operations outside controlled airspace at altitudes of more than 1,200 feet AGL, but less than 10,000 feet MSL, the minimum flight visibility for VFR flight at night is
3 miles.