
12 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Name the 9 Pilates principles
1. Breathing, 2. centering, 3. concentration, 4. control,
5. rhythm/flow, 6. precision, 7. whole body movements, 8. balanced muscle development, 9. relaxation
Name the 9 Pilates Movement Principles
1. Breathing, 2. Core Activation, 3. Neutral Pelvis,
4. Release Work, 5. Abdominal Strength,
6. Lumbopelvic Stability, 7. Spinal Strength and Mobility, 8. Scapular Stability and Mobility, 9. Posture and Postural Analysis
What are the 4 types of breathing?
1. Diaphragmatic (belly)
2. Lateral (rib)
3. One lung breathing
4. Sniffing breath

What are the 4 muscles of the core/powerhouse?
1. Transverse abdominals
2. Diaphragm
3. Mulitfidi
4. Pelvic floor
What happens to the diaphragm when you inhale and exhale?
It contracts and lowers as you inhale, and it relaxes and rises up on the exhale.
Neutral spine is USUALLY best and safest for most clients. Which clients prefer and imprinted spine or posteriorly tilted pelvis?
1. Spondylolisthesis
2. Spinal stenosis
3. Spinal arthritis
4. SI joint injuries
5. Some disc injuries
What is spondylolisthesis?
When one vertebrae slides over the one below it. If it slips too much, the bone might press on a nerve causing pain. This is usually in the lower back. Most commonly due to aging and degeneration.
What is spinal stenosis?
A narrowing of the spinal canal which then compresses the spinal cord and nerves. This compression can produce signs of sciatica which are tingling, weakness and numbness that can radiate down the lower back into the leg. This is related to aging and degeneration.
What are scoliosis, lordosis, and kyphosis?
1. Scoliosis - can be an "s" or "c" curve. A lateral deviation of spine.

2. Lordosis - in the lumbar spine, an excessive spinal curve towards the front of the body. (Indicates tight lower back, tight hip flexors, weak abdominals, and an anterior tilt).

3. Kyphosis - In the thoracic spine, an excessive curve towards the back of the body. (Indicates tight chest muscles, and weak upper back).
What is anterior and posterior pelvic tilt?
1. Anterior pelvic tilt - When the ASIS is in front of the pubic bone.

2. Posterior pelvic tilt - When the ASIS is behind the pubic bone.
When looking at the side view of your client, what landmarks should line up?
Tip of earlobe
Top of shoulder center of ribcage
High point of iliac crest
Mid point of lateral side of knee
Slightly in front of the bone (lateral malleolus) of ankle
When looking at the front view (vertically) of client, what points should line up?
Center of sternum
Center of public bone
Leg alignment
Inside ASIS
Center of patella
Center of front of ankle
Space between 1st and 2nd toe