Pigments, Minerals, Cytoplasmic Granules

Pigments, minerals, cytoplasmic granules

78 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Three types of pigments
Artifact, exogenous, endogenous
Various coloring agents deposited frequently as cytoplasmic inclusions or granules in cells and tissues
Colored not always necessary to stain them w/biological dyes, however special stains may be necessary for differentiation
Birefringent fibers of magnesium silicate thta may be found in lungs of persons exposed to large quantities
Asbestos fibers
Fibers cause a tissue reaction that develops into mesothelioma
Asbestos fibers
After inhilation fibers become coated with an iron-containing protein and are know as
Asbestos bodies
Found in skin that has been tattoed but ocassionally found in associated lymph node
Tattoo pigments
These pigments include a variety of organic and inorganic pigments that rarely need specific identification
Tattoo pigments
Deposited in tissue either as normal (iron) or in pathological conditions (wilsons disease)
Deposited in tissue as a result of a chemical reaction,
Artifact pigments
Have been reported to be seen withing the cell cytoplasm
Formalin pigments
Produced in tissue processing and commonly result from fixation. usually lie ontop of tissue and not within the cell.
Artifact pigments
Deposited in tissue fixed in any mercury containing fixative
Mercury pigments
Removed easily by treatin section w/a solution of iodine followed by a solution of sodium thiosulfate
Mercury pigment
May form if tissue fixed in solution containing potassium dichromate is not washed in running water before dehydration
Chrome pigment