Pickwick Papers Characters

Main characters of  Charles Dickens' " Pickwick Papers".

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The main protagonist and founder of the Pickwick Club. Following his description in the text, is usually portrayed by illustrators as a round-faced, clean-shaven, portly gentleman wearing spectacles
Samuel Pickwick
A young friend of Pickwick's and his travelling companion; he considers himself a sportsman, though no one has ever seen him in action
Nathaniel Winkle
Another young friend and companion; he considers himself a poet, though he has never been known to write anything
Augustus Snodgrass
Yet another; a fat and elderly man who nevertheless considers himself a romantic lover
Tracy Tupman
Mr. Pickwick's valet
Sam Weller
Sam's father, a coachman; does not really know if his name is written as Veller or Weller
Tony Weller
A strolling actor and charlatan, noted for telling bizarre anecdotes in a distinctively extravangant, disjointed style.
Alfred Jingle
A hospitable country squire who lives in Dingley Dell on Manor Farm. He meets the Pickwickians in Chatham and invites them to join his family on a picnic. After that, he invites them back to his farm where Tupman pursues his sister, Rachael, and Snodgrass begins a romance with his daughter Emily.
Mr. Wardle
Mr. Pickwick's landlady
Mrs. Bardell