Physio Exam 3 Respiratory

Physio Exam 3 Respiratory System

81 cards   |   Total Attempts: 189

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What are the functions of the respiratory system
1. provide body w/ O2; elimination of CO2 2. acid-base balance: respiratory system helps regulate pH 3. olfaction (smelling) 4. vocalization *O2 is needed for aerobic metabolism
Providing body with O2, eliminating CO2 requires...
1. ventilation= mechanical process of moving air into/out of lungs (breathing) 2. gas exhange btwn alveoli & blood via simple diffusion 3. gas transport: transport of O2, CO2 in blood 4. gas exhange at tissue level: btwn blood & tissues via simple diffusion
What organs are part of the respiratory system?
-nasal & oral cavities -pharynx/larynx -trachea -bronchi/bronchioles -alveoli -lungs
Question 4
Answer 4
Question 5
Answer 5
What do the terminal bronchioles lead to?
Question 7
Answer 7
Question 8
Answer 8
Question 9
Answer 9
What is the diameter of the microscopic site of gas exchange?
.3 mm
How many alveoli do humans have?
300 million alveoli
What are the type of cells that make up alveoli?
Type I cells Type II cells macrophages
What are Type I cells?
Gas exhange here, across respiratory membrane
What is the respiratory membrane?
Type I cell epithelium + capillary endothelium: .5 - 1x10^-6 m think
What is the function of Type II cells?
Secrete surfacant