Physics First Semester Final Review

Review for first semester

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Area of physics that studies motion and its causes.
According to the scientific method, how should conclusions be stated?
In a form that can be evaluated by others
SI unit to measure mass
Poor precision in scientific measurement may arise from?
Humman error
A baker making a loaf of bread deals with which area of physics
According to the scientific method, why do physicist make observations and collect data?
To ask a question
Delta means
Difference or change
SI unit for time
Mm represents
Area of physics that studies heat and temperature
Listening to your favorite radio station involves which area of physics
Vibrations and wave phenomena
A hiker uses a compass to navigate through the woods. Identify the area of physics that this involves
According to the scientific method, how does a physicist formulate and objectively test hypotheses?
By experiments
The most appropriate SI unit for measuring the length of an automobile is the
If some measurements agree closely with each other but differ widely from the actual value, these measurements are
Precise but not accurate