Explain the Physics Science of Wind Wave in Ocean Waves Flashcards

Unit 12 Chapt er 24

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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The angle of the Sun's rays striking the Earth's surface greatly affects the
All of these
Ocean waves refract due to
Shallow water
At what water depth is an ocean wave affected by the ocean floor?
At the depth equal to one-half the wave's wavelength
Deep ocean currents flow in a circulation pattern that is
North to south
The greenhouse effect gets its name from the florist's greenhouse, where glass prevents reradiated solar energy from escaping. Glass is transparent to visible waves, and opaque to ultraviolet and infrared. Glass acts as a sort of one-way valve, allowing
Visible light to enter, and preventing longer waves from leaving
The Earth's oceans likely evolved
The Earth's oceans likely evolved
The ionosphere
Is produced by the action of solar radiation and atmospheric atoms.
The main reason ocean tides exist is that the pull of the Moon
Is greater on oceans closer to the Moon and less on oceans farther from the Moon.
Suppose the Moon had twice as much mass as it now does and still orbits the Earth at the same distance. In that case, the ocean bulges on Earth would be
At lower elevations the air is generally
Warm and heavy
Earth's original atmosphere was
Obliterated after the birth of the Sun
Water movement in a wave in the surf zone is characterized by
Steepend wave hieght and shorter wave lenth
The Earth's earliest atmosphere was most likely composed of hydrogen, helium,
Methane and ammonia
The Ekman transport spiral is driven
By the wind
In the tropics, the trade winds drive equatorial ocean currents