

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
Still Life in the artist’s studio
Louis Jacques Mandé DAGUERRE1837First daguerrotype, silver plated sheet of copper, exposed to light and mercury
Question 2
The Open Door
William Henry Fox TALBOT 1844-46reproduced in The Pencil of Naturecalotype, v clear compared to 1st daguerrotype
Question 3
Dawn and Sunset
Henry Peach ROBINSONAlbumen combination print from three negatives1885, v stylized/pictorial, put together how he wants it, like a painting, symbol of light, placement, beginning and end of day-birth and death, proponent of photography as fine art, v popular w/ victorian public
Question 4
Phantoms on a Paris Street Corner
Eugene ATGETc. 1900, they were moving so the effect is like that
Question 5
Cabaret of Hell, blvd de Clichy
Eugene ATGET 1910, northern part of city, shot is angled, not what you think is in paris, it's so refined, sophisticated, cabaret is something you find at a cheesy fair
Question 6
Avenue des Gobelins, Paris
Eugene ATGET1925, mannequins, wealth of social class, can see across street, commercialization of city, we've become mannequins to consumerism
Question 7
Ragpickers, Poterne desPeupliers
Atget 1913, at border of paris, low class, not staged, takes a few min to expose. documentary style, feel part of photo
Question 8
Samson Chatillon blind alleyway
Eugene ATGET1922, cart left but no one, typical of his photos, void of ppl, quiet paris, empty, abandoned
Question 9
Prostitute, Paris
Eugene ATGET1920, commissioned, lots of pics, she's more seductive, dynamic, ground not flat, she doesn't care she's a prostitute
Question 10
Chaste Venus, Versailles
Eugene ATGET1922-23
Question 11
Parc de Sceaux
Eugene ATGET1925, tree trunk obstructs view of lake, different textures, v open, more nature
Question 12
Watching an Eclipse, Place de la Bastille, Paris
Eugene ATGETApril 17, 1912, all transfixed at sky, doesn't view self as artist, doesn't want credit on cover of surrealist magazine w/ this photo
Question 13
Paula, or Sun Rays,
Alfred STIEGLITZ Berlin1889, personal vision of a person writing on a table in bands of light and shadow, STIEGLITZ had enormous skill because it was difficult to achieve this kind contrast and clarity
Question 14
Rowing Home the Schoof-Stuff, from album Pictures of East Anglian Life
Peter Henry EMERSON 1888, photogravure, advocated the photography that capture the integrity - to put the camera slightly out of focus and make image slightly blurred to mimic human vision - advocated certain type of printing process that achieved a Impressionistic style · advocated platinum print · gum bichromate - they allowed the artist to produce soft blurred tones · photogravure - copper plate that is covered with light-sensitive gelatin
Question 15
Winter on Fifth Avenue
Alfred STIEGLITZ photogravure 1893, waited 3 hrs for perfect shot, “success and hand camera work depends on patience” - image was cropped