Photography Quiz 1

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

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Generally credited with producing the earliest known surviving photograph, taken from his workshop window in 1826. The process he employed yielded a single image on a metal plate. He signed a partnershipw tih Louis Dauguerre in 1829.
Joseph Niecephor Niepce
Produced a single image ans was based on some techniques formulated by his eventual partner (Niepce) became the first commercially successful photographic process. His entry into photography was based on his attempts to achieve a more realistic perspective effects through the use of the camera obscura
Louis Jacques Mande' Dauguerre
The "Dark Room" used during the Renaissance to achieve proper proportions.
Camera Obscura
What is the speed of light?
186,000 miles per second
What year was the invention of photography?
What was the factory loaded, commercial success?
Inventor of the first duplicatable image process generated by the actions of light, the Calotype. Discovered the latent image--the invisible image whcih could be chemically developed into a visible negative capable of multiple printings. many historians consider him to be the inventor of photography as we know it.
William Henry Fox Talbot
Invented an original photographic process that produced a single unique image on paper at about the same time as the Calotype and Dauguerrotype. The process was overlooked, he reponded with an image "Self portrait of as a Drowned Man" (1840).
Hippolyte Bayard
Credited with a number of important advances in the early stages of photography, including formulating an effective fixing agent, hyposulfite of soda, and coining the phrase "positive" and "negative" for the images stages of the process.
Sir William Herschel
The name Niepce gave to the resulting images from his experiments with fixing images made by the actions of light. Consisted of coating a metal plate with light-sensitive asphalt substance called bitumen of Judea, followed by exposure in a camera obscura. The plate was then washed in lavender oil, which dissolved the unexposed material and left behind a delicate but visible and permanent image.
Rendered a single image on a polished silver plate. Prior to exposure it was placed in a chamber containing iodine. The silver iodine particles on the plate surface were light sensative ans could be exposed to an image in a camera. Developed in a chamber of mercury fumes, which formed a visible image. The image was exceedingly fragile, protective cases were made for presentation ans display.
Two Daguerrotypists who operated a portrait business in Boston from 1843-1862. Known as inovators their use of split light and dark backdrops ans a variety of imaginative poses distinguished their imagery from the stiff-appearing work of their contemporaries.
Southworth and Hawes
Two Scottish portraitists, collaborted to produce some of the most memorable of all Calotype portraits. Estimated to have produced over 1500 images, many of which were sold by art dealers because of their quality and distinctive character. Often used the sun as a light source to provide contrast.
Hill and Adamson
Created some of the finest portraits of the 19th century. Noted for his areial photographs of Paris through the use and building of his own hot air balloon as well as the first images of the Paris underground.
Noted for his portraits in the second half of the 19th century. Worked as a caricaturist. Produced numerous portraits of significant Parisian social figures.
Etienne Carjat