Muscles of Pharynx Flashcards

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are the 3 constrictor muscles?
Answer 1
  1. superior constrictor muscle
  2. middle constrictor muscle
  3. inferior constrictor muscle
What the the 3 longitudinal muscles?
Answer 2
  1. stylopharyngess
  2. palatopharyngeus
  3. salpingopharyngeus
What is the nerve supply to the muscles and who has a different nerve supple?
  • all muscles- pharyngeal branches of the vagus nerve
  • stylopharyngess- glossopharyngeal nerve
Whats the blood supply to the pharynx?
  • acsending pharyngeal artery
  • facial and maxillary artery
Nasopharynx oropharynx and laryngopharynx nerve supply?
Nasopharynx- maxillaryoro- glossopharyngeallaryngopharynx - vagus
Sensory nerve supply to the pharynx?
  • glosspharyngeal
What do the constrictor muscles do?
  • constrict sequentially from superior to inferior and move bolus downwards into the eosophagus
What do the longitudinal muscles do?
  • shorten, widen the pharynx and elevate the pharynx during swallowing
Wheres the superior constrictor muscle located?
  • oropharynx
Arise of the superior constrictor muscle?
  • pterygomandibular ligament
  • alveolar process of the mandible
  • medial pterygoid plate
  • pterygoid hamulus of sphenoid bone
Insert of the superior constrictor ?
  • median pharyngeal raphe
  • pharyngeal tubercle of occiput
Where is the middle constrictor located?
  • laryngopharynx
Arise of the middle constrictor?
  • stylohoid ligament
  • hyoid bone
Insert of middle constrictor?
  • pharyngeal raphe
Wheres the inferior constrictor muscle?
  • laryngopharynx