Pharm Chemo

Pharmacology Chemotherapy

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 191

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Reasons for cancer drug therapy
1. Cure 2. Control tumor growth 3. Palliation of symptoms
Classifications of cancer
chemotherapy drugs (2)
1. Cell cycle specific 2. Cell cycle non specific
Cell cycle specific
Only have action during one specific phase of the cell cycle
Cell cycle non specific
Can have action during any phase of the cell cycle
Drug resistance
This limits the effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy. Similar phenomenon to antibiotics...
Most resistant cancer cells survive and cause tumor to become resistant to drug therapy.
Common Chemo Side-Effects
Cancer cells replicate very rapidly as do some of the normal cells in the body. Chemotherapy
drugs cannot differentiate between cancer cells and normal cells in the body that replicate
rapidly. This causes chemo side effects seen in the Bone marrow, GI tract cells, hair cells,
Anemia (need to follow hemoglobin and hematocrit... Need to transfuse if hematocrit falls
below 25%), nursing intervention: assess for anemia and monitor hemoglobin and hematocrit
levels. Nursing diagnosis: fatigue.
When platelet count of dips to 10,000 or below. Assess for bruising, petehaie, bleeding gums
(Pt should not use a toothbrush or dental floss with a low platelet count), nose bleeds, GI
bleeding (black tarry stools, etc.), cerebral bleed. Nursing implication: put pressure on injection
site to avoid hematoma (sometimes pressure dressing/sandbag is necessary)
Nausea and vomiting
Administer anti-emetics PRN (Zofran, Etc.)
Administer meds PRN. Nursing diagnosis: FVD, nutrition less than body requirements
Altered taste sensation, Nursing interventions: Nutritional supplements (Ensure), high calorie
Stomatitis / Mucosititis
Very painful. High risk for nutritional deficit. No treatment. Can sometimes see legions on the
Alopecia (hair loss)
Not life threatening but can affect Pt psychologically. Good news is that the hair will grow back
but sometimes it grows back another color or texture. Nursing diagnoses: Distorted body
image, self esteem. Nursing implication: discuss with Pt what they can do before the hair falls
Major problem. Nursing diagnosis: activity intolerance... Fatigue can last for months after
chemotherapy has ended.