Personnel Psychology Test Utility

Exam one 

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What does a test need to have in order for it to be useful?
- tells you the practical payoffs of the test
- supports (or disconfirms) use of test with numerical values
- helps in decision making regarding the implementation of a certain test (and can consider the relative to its cost).
The Utility of Using a Test Tends to be Greatest When...
- you have many job openings
- you have many more applicants than openings
- you have high test validity
- the current selection system is poor (base rate)
- there are high dollar values associated with individual differences in job performance
- tenure on the job is high
5 potential components of utility
- selection ratio
- validity coefficient (r)
- Base rate of current performance
- SDy
- Cost of testing
The ratio between the number of openings to the number of applicants
Selection ratio
The percentage of employees currently on the
job who are considered successful.
- Base rate of current performance
The difference in performance (measured in dollars)
between a high performing and average performing worker.
i.e., how many more dollars is a high performer worth as compared to an average performer?
A research-supported estimate is 40% of the position’s salary.
(#applicants)*(cost per application)
Cost of testing
4 common utility methods
- proportion of correct decisions (decision accuracy)
- Taylor russell tables
- Lawshe tables
- The Brogden-Cronbach-Gleser model
Can look at varous proportions to determine how much accuracy the test provides in deciding who to hire and who not to hire
Proportions of corret decisions
You can only do the proportion of correct decisions if you know...
- employee or applicant test scores
- criterion scores (eg. job performance scores)
What is in Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
Q1 = false negatives (incorrect rejections)
Q2 = true positives (correct accpetances)
Q3 = false positives (incorrect acceptances)
Q4 = true negatives (correct rejections)
Provides some information about the effects of using the test on hiring decisions.
Proportion of correct dcisions
Proportion of Correct Decisions provides some comparison information on __ of hiring decisions made with and without a test.
Estimates the percentage of future employees that will b successful if we use a certain test
Taylor russell tables
Taylor-Russell Tables uses three sources of information
- test validity coefficient (r)
- base rate
- selection ratio