Personnel Psychology Job Performance and the Criterion Problem

Midterm 1 

41 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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•: Variable that encompasses all aspects of performance that define success on the job, and no variables unrelated to success on the job.
Ultimate criterion
•Variable(s) we can realistically measure to quantify job performance. Goal is to measure ultimate criterion as much as possible/feasible given time, cost, and other constraints.
Actual criterion
3 uses of criteria
- administrative
- developmental
- other
–Appraise employee performance to make personnel decisions (e.g., promotion, termination)
Administrative criteria
–Provide feedback and directions for development and improvement
Developmental criteria
–identify organizational capabilities, gaps, and training needs –validate a selection battery
Other criteria
name 5 reasons why Poor choice of criteria can be very problematic for an organization:
–Reward behaviors that hinder org. performance
–Reduce perceptions of fairness – employees might then be unlikely go “above and beyond”
–No record of performance makes personnel decisions less defensible, from an appropriateness and legal standpoint
–Employees that receive no feedback cannot be expected to improve
–Dimensions convey organizational values
How do we judge the effectiveness of criteria?x5
1) Relevance
2) Reliability
3) Sensitivity
4) Practicality
5) Fairness
•Degree to which actual criterion relates to ultimate criterion (the overlap)
Two terms that come out of failed relevance
- criterion deficiency
- criterion contamination
–Stuff in the ultimate measure not included in actual measure
Criterion deficiency
Major cause of criterion deficiency is
•inadequate sampling of job behaviors
Stuff measured by actual criterion that is not part of the ultimate criterion
Criterion contamination
Major cause of criterion contaminations are
Measurement error and bias
•The stability or consistency of the actual criterion. Criterion that is largely unreliable is not useful.