Personality Psychology- Chapter 6

Funder personality puzzle study guide

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Self-fulfilling prophecies also known as
Expectancy effect- judgements of others can also affect you
Types of expectancy effects
intellectual expectancy effects- i.e. Rosenthal & Jacobson (1968) study how teachers treated students differently when they expected high scores from a random groupsocial expectancy effects- i.e. false photos shown when on phone, male talked to female he thought was pretty in way that made the woman respond in a warmer, humorous & poised manner
What criteria can be used to assess accuracy of personality judgement from a constructivism point of view
The philosophical view that reality, as a concrete entity, does not exist & that only ideas or "constructions" of reality exists.- none personality is a social construct
What criteria can be used to assess accuracy of personality judgement from a critical realism point of view
The philosophical view that the absence of perfect, infallible criteria for truth doesn't imply that all interpretations of reality are equally valid- all info might be helpful
Convergent validation
The process of assembling diverse pieces of info that converge on a common conclusion
Inter-judge agreement
The degree to which 2 or more judges of the same person provide the same description of personality
Behavioural prediction/ predictive validity
The degree to which a judgement can predict behaviour
Moderators of accuracy
Variables that change the correlation between a judgment & its criterion
4 potential moderators of accuracy
-the judge-the target-the trait that is judged-the info used to judge