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Definitions of cognition
General terms for any or all thought processes
Definitions of perception
The process by which order is imposed upon information
taken in by sensory organs
Information processing, attribution, schema
processing- how information (sensory input or mental representations) are
manipulated, transformed, and or transmitted (computer analogy – input-output
Interpretation- what meaning is assigned to what is perceived Schema - a way of perceiving events |
Rod and Frame test
1940s, Solomaon Asch and Herman WitkinExperiment dealing with field dependence-Independency
Field Independence/Dependence (and its correlates)
Field independent - more differentiated
Correlates: -Career Choice: science more often -Autonomy: more radical, less dependent on surroundings -problem solving: on own -hunting Field dependent - more holistic -Career Choice: choose social work, teacher, minister socially focused -Autonomy: mot wanting to break social rules -problem solving: seek help -interpersonal: more socially focused, more friends more eye contact -agrarian(gatherer) -guilt vs shame: feel more guilt and shame b/c want to fit into whole/ standard |
Embedded figures
![]() Thinking styles differ, field independent –analytical and differentiated Vs. dependent – view things in the bigger picture, more holistic Field independent requires more cognitive restructuring |
Reducer-augmenter concept and pain perception
Anaseth Petrie,
back in the 60s
Low pain tolerance –augmenter –nervous system amplified sensory stimulation High tolerance – nervous system dampened Reducers have lower brain electrical responses to stimuli, expands to other areas |
Taster Status
Nontaster and supertaster
super taster has often has other intense senses |
Emotional Stroop
Colored words of emtions
Stronger emotions takes you longer to read. |
Emotional Blink of Attention (Emotion Induced Blindness)
Experiment: series of pics and asks the subject to respond to the pic with wrong orientation, but few pics before is a brutally shocking picture to induce an emotional blink of attention.
Attentional Control
Higher attentional control = lower neurotism
Locus of control- Rotter- Attributional theory
Origin of
attributions as a topic of study is 1950s with Julian Rotter –
with basic reinforcement paradigms in humans, but focused on the expectancies
of reward,
major differences in the subjects’ expectancies, and what they attributed the
reward contingencies to.
Locus of
control whether one attributes responsibility internally or externally –
general expectancies-internal take charge, activeexternal- passive. |
Learned helplessness – Animal model vs. reformulated model
in humans.
I can’t escape. Control is external,
animal becomes passive.
Moved to
a cognitive model –
What are
the explanations of events (3 key factors)
Pessimistic vs. Optimistic attributional styles
Pessimistic: internal, stable, global
Optimistic: external, unstable, specific |
Cognitive triad