Personal Business and Finance Quiz 2

Quiz # 2 for introduction to personal business and finance

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is a commercial bank and what is its purpose?
They offer a full range of financial services including checking, saving, lending, etc. They are often privately owned. Their purpose is to make money.
What is a credit union and what is its purpose?
A user-owned, nonprofit financial institution (i.e. Boeing employees credit union). Purpose: to make money for participants.
What is the purpose of a life insurance company?
To make money by providing insurance.
What is an investment company?
They invest in stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, etc. for the purpose of making money for themselves and clients.
What do pawnshops do?
Quickly make cash loans based on the value of tangible possessions.
What are 4 things to think about when selecting a savings plan?
The rate of return.
Inflation - cost of goods going up
Taxes - changes by government
Liquidity - how fast you can get cash without paying additional fees.
What should you do when interest rates are rising?
Use long-term loans to take advantage of current low interest rates.
What is a cashier's check?
Guaranteed by the bank.
What are 5 advantages to consumer credit?
1. Allow people to travel without cash.
2. Allows big purchases "now"
3. May build good credit
4. Hotel reservations, car rentals, etc.
5. May earn "points" that lead to discounts
What are 3 disadvantages to consumer credit?
1. Overspending
2. Loss of income
3. Can lead to damaged relationships (family, etc.)
What is Open-Ended Credit?
A line of credit in which loans are made on a continuous basis and the borrower is billed periodically for at least partial payment.
What are 2 things to look for when choosing a credit card?
1. grace period of 25 days.
2. be aware of some credit cards that offer "no fees" or low interest but start charging interest immediately following the purchase.
What is a "don't" when choosing a credit card?
DO NOT PAY THE MINIMUM MONTHLY AMOUNT... the longer you are paying it off, the more interest there will be.
What is the risk of co-signing for a loan?
The lender can collect the entire debt from you (garnish your wages, etc.) if the person you signed for misses one payment.