Peds exam 4

WSU College of Nursing N414 new material on final (exam 4)

88 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Infant skin differences
Thin, loose epidermise, eccrine sweat glands functional, apocrine sweat glands small and nonfunctional, less melanin, suceptible to sunburn
Atopic dermatitis. Allergic tendency that runs in families, t-cell reaction immune response. Itchy, red patches, vesicles, crusting, pigment changes distributed over arms, face, back, backs of hands and feet, skin folds (warm places are the worse)
Eczema tx
Hydrate and lubricate skin, avoid infection. Medications include emollients, oral antihistamines, antibiotics, corticosteroids, immunomodulators.
Contact dermatitis
Red, itchy, vesicles in limited area of contact. D/t direct contact with allergen or irritant.
Contact dermatitis tx
Remove irritant, use Calamine lotion, antihistamines, cool compress, oatmeal soak, topical steroids (for allergy)
Diaper dermatitis
Irritation-->red plaques-->fiery red raised rash/pustules. Result of reaction to urine, feces, moisture or friction. Can get yeast infection
Diaper dermatitis tx
Open air for healing, butt paste, cortisone cream, antifungal for yeast infection
Dermatitis, "cradle cap" from overactive sebaceous glands. Redness, scaling, yellow-red patches, greasy scaling
Seborrhea tx
Baby oil, vigorous washing over baby's soft spots
Oral candidiasis/yeast infection. Acute in newborns (pick up from mom), chronic in immunosuppressed children. White patches look like coagulated milk in mouth.
Thrush tx
Nystatin or other antifungal suspension
Thrush prevention
Very contagious, clean toys, pacifiers etc. Rinse mouths after steroidal asthma inhalers
Chronic inflammatory disorder or pilosebaceous hair follicles. Whiteheads, blackheads, cystic lesions.
Acne tx
Astringents, topical benzyl peroxide, hygiene, balanced diet. Retinase, oral antibiotics (tetracycline), Acutane (needs lab work follow up for liver toxicity)
Bacterial. Vesicle, pustule on face, yellow-green crust, can spread quickly.