Pectoral Region, Axilla, and Brachial Plexus 8.24

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76 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

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Front Back
Name the anterior axioappendicular muscles
Pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavius, and serratus anterior
What nerves innervate the pectoralis major and what aretheir spinal inputs?
Lateral (C5/6) and Mexial (C7, C8 and T1)pectoral nerves
What are the names of teh heads of pectoralis major muscle?
Clavicular and sternocostal
What is an importtant landmark for the axillary vessel?
The pectoralis minor muscle
What innervates the pectoralis minor muscle? Spinal input?
Medail pectoral nerve from C8 and T1
What protects the axillary vessels?
The subclavius muslce
What innervates the subclavius? Spinal input?
Nerve to subclavius from C5 and 6
What innervates the serratus anterrior muscle? Spinal input?
The long thoracic nerve of C5 - 7
Where is teh serratus anterior innervated?
On the anterior aspect of the muscle belly
What can be found in teh deltopectoral groove?
The cephalic vein
What can be found in the deltopectoral triangle?
The thoracoacrominal artery and lateral pectoral nerve
How are the medial and lateral pectoral nerves named?
For where they branch from the cord of teh brachial plexus as opposed to their spatial arrangement
What is the shape of teh axilla?
How many of teh axilary walls are muscular?
3 out of 4
When does the axilla dissappear?
When the arm is abducted