Answer the Following Lifestyle Choices and Personal Wellness Terms Flashcards

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140 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the primary goal of wellness?
The ability to achieve the highest possible quality of life.
All of the following are considered determinants of health, EXCEPT:A. IncomeB. Educational AttainmentC. Working ConditionsD. Individual Lifestyle Choices
D. Individual Lifestyle Choices
What is the best demonstrates an ecological view of health and wellness?
Being aware of hereditary risks and avoiding unhealthy environments and behaviors.
One of the hallmarks of community health promotion is its emphasis on improving what?
Common health-related resources
The personal health that is most within your control is what?
Charlie's sister lectures him daily about the threat that his smoking poses to his health. She argues that, if he quits, he would improve both his health and his athletic performance. Charlie knows his sister is right, but according to the Health Belief Model, he will only quit if...
He thinks he can and that it will be worth the effort.
The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of health behavior change differs from Health Belief Model in its emphasis on the what?
Stages of change
Mackenzie has resolved to start exercising three times a week when her membership at a local gym begins in two weeks. In which stage of change in the Transtheoretical Model is Mackenzie operating?
What kind of statement best illustrates a sense of self-efficacy?A. I should do it.B. I can't do it.C. I must do it.D. I can do it.
D. I can do it.
What illustrates a SMART goal?
I will eat my meals on time and limit myself to one snack daily.
An approach to pschological research that, instead of studying mental illness, studies such things as happiness, character strengths, and healthy emotions is called what?
Positive Psychology
Type of intelligence involves sensitivity, empathy for others, self-discipline, and social competence.
Mentally healthy people tend to have what?
High self esteem
A sense of self-efficacy means that you believe you are what?
In control of your circumstances
The ability to bounce back from an adverse event is known as what?