PD Mouth and Throat Pics

Pics test 2

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Question 1
What is this and describe
Herpes Cold Sore” – caused by HSV, characterized by lesions that have a pre-lesion sensation of burning and swelling prior to outbreak of lesions. Lesions begin as Papules then form vesicles and then crust over. Lesion lasts 10-14 days. Occurs in other areas of the body.
Question 2
What is this?
Question 3
What is this and describe
Angular Chelitis Softening of the fissures secondary to overuse, nutritional deficiency, mal fitting dentures or no teeth. Often is secondarily infected with candida.
Question 4
What si this and describe
Actinic Chelitis and Carcinoma Actinic Cheilitis is a precursor to carcinoma. This thick eversion of the lip is caused by sun exposure. Carcinoma presents as a scaly plaque or nodule. Any lesion that is persistent should be suspected.
Question 5
Whais is this and describe
Angioderma Swelling of the mucous membranes, notice child’s lips. An allergic reaction
Question 6
What is this and describe
Koplik Spots Early sign of measles, occurs prior to the rash. Koplik spots appear as grains of salt.
Question 7
What is this and describe
Fordyce Spots Yellowish spots, that are actually sebaceous glands
Question 8
What si this and Describe
Leukoplakia Thick white patches, can be anywhere on the oral mucosa. THINK CANCER! Area must be biopsied, not to confuse with oral candidiasis
Question 9
What is this and describe
Gingivitis If left untreated, gums and teeth can be destroyed. Proper oral hygiene Is the best measure to follow.
Question 10
What is this and describe
Gingival Hyperplasia Interdental swelling, may be associated with pregnancy, puberty, medications, And leukemia.
Question 11
What is this?
Dental Caries
What si this?
Attrition of the teeth
What is this and explain
Erosion of the teeth Destruction of the enamel, causing exposure of the dentin. Caused by medications, recurrent vomiting, acidic foods (lemons).