PC - Triglycerides and Glycerophospholipids

Useful for veterinary or medical students

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Major form of storage lipid in animals and bulk of dietary lipid
Structure of a triglyceride
3 esters of the alcohol glycerol with 3 fatty acids
Are monoglycerides and diglycerides found in plasma?
3 ways in which glycerol 3-P is formed
Anaerobic glycolysis, glyceroneogenesis from pyruvate (DHOA intermediate for both), or action of glycerol kinase
Is glycerol kinase found in liver tissue, adipose tissue, neither, or both?
Liver only
Possible sources of glycerol 3-P in adipocytes
Stored glycogen, incoming plasma glucose, pyruvate
Enzyme that adds fatty acids to 1 and 2-positions of glycerol 3-P in phosphatidic acid pathway to form phosphatidic acid
Acyl transferases
Where are acyl transferases located (and reactions carried out)
Endoplasmic reticulum
Molecule formed when phosphohydrolase removes a Pi from phosphatidic acid
1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG)
Last step in triglyceride formation
How can free fatty acids enter triglyceride synthesis?
Must first be attached to CoA.SH
How is phosphatidic acid pathway used in liver, adipose, and mucosal tissue?
Liver and adipose - primary means of producing triglycerides mucosa - scavenge pathway
Substances in which both fatty acids and phosphate-containing compounds are esterified to alcohols
Structure of phospholipid
Fatty acids esterified to C1 (usually SFA) and C2 (usually UFA) and phosphate ester at C3 linked to inositol or nitrogen base
Most common phospholipids (5)
Palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic