PBH Exam 1: Healthcare Systems

Health and healthcare systems

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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Healthcare system factors (5)
-financing and payment to providers-ownership of facilities-recruitment and training of service delivery professionals -professional autonomy and authority of doctors-rationing
Who are the key players? what are their specific interests? (7)
-patients-providers-hospital administrators-pharmaceutical companies and medical equipment providers-payers-governmental regulators-other nongovernmental organizations
Social contract vs free markets
Social contract-set of obligations and rights and are duty bound to optimize our collective welfare; individuals are protected against "social risks"; one gives up a bit of autonomy for the common good
free markets-one is responsible for him/herself; efficient way of distributing all valued goods including healthcare
Social darwinism and antiwelfare state philosophies
William sumner-man has no more right to life than a rattlesnake
prime minister margaret thatcher-there is no thing as society
Social rights: T.H. Marshall
18th century-civil and legal rights were extended to larger segments of the population19th century-political rights were extended20th century-social rights were recognized
Bismark model
-germany, france, belgium, switzerland-private non for profit; paid for by employers and their employees through payroll deductions-universal coverage; doctors and hospitals are private-extensive regulation of fees and services provided resulting is greater cost control
Beveridge model
-GB, italy, spain, most of scandanavia, US dept of veterans affairs-financed by the national gov through taxes-most doctors and nurses are publicly owned-universal coverage-tight control over costs
National health insurance model
-canada, taiwan, south korea-providers are private-payer is gov run insurance company to which every citizen pays into-no competition among insurers-admin costs are lower and gov has market power
Out of pocket model
-most of developing world, cambodia, mexico-mostly paid by patients-healthcare delivery systems are limited-only rich have insurance or access to high quality care-native healers and herbalists provide much care-many ppl never see a doctor
-for most working ppl under 65: germany (bismark)-for native amer, military, veterans: GB (beveridge)-for those over 65: canada (national health insurance)-for fifty uninsured americans: cambodia (out of pocket)