Paul Mitchell Color Guide Flashcards

Study about Paul Mitchell Color Guide with these quiz based flashcards. Attempt this set of flashcards which are simple and easy and learn about Paul Mitchell Color Guide with this.

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 192

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Diagonal Slice:
1. Part hair into 6 panels
2. Begin the back panels, then the sides, then the top
3. Take 1/4inch horizontal-diagonal sections and slice off the top
4. Weave and lock the first 2 foils in the hairline, sideburn, and crown [if the section is wider than 2 inches, divide it in half and foil side by side.]
Single Process [Darker]:
1. Part hair into 5 segments
2. Begin application in the back panels
3. Take 1/4inch horizontal sections in the back and 1/4inch vertical sections on the side and mohawk panels.
4. Apply from scalp through ends
5. Apply to both sides
6. Process according to manufacturer's instructions
7. Rinse until water runs clear Follow with post treatment
Single Process [LIghter]:
1. Part hair into 5 segments
2. Begin application in the back panels at the bottom, work from bottom to top & back to front
3. Take 1/4inch horizontal sections in the back and 1/4inch vertical sections on the side and mohawk panels.
4. Apply 1/2 inch from scalp through poras ends
5. Apply to both sides
6. Process 10 minutes
7. Remix & apply to scalp through poras ends
8. Process 35 minutes for permanent results
9. Rinse until water runs clear Follow with post treatment
Double Process:
1. Part hair into 5 segments
2. Begin application in the back panels
3. Take 1/8 inch sections in each panel
4. Apply 1/2 to 1inch away from scalp and porous ends
5. Apply to both sides of the section
6. Place cotton strip at the scalp in between each section
7. Lighten up to 50-70% of desired result
8. Remove cotton and apply to scalp and ends
9. Process to desired lightness
10. Rinse with cold water, shampoo, and tone
Double Process Retouch:
1. Part hair into 5 sections
2. Begin application in the back panels
3. Take 1/8inch sections in each panel
4. Apply from scalp to 1/16inch away from the line of demarcation
5. Apply to both sides of the section
6. Process to desired lightness
7. Rinse with cool water, shampoo, and tone
Virgin HighLift:
1. Part hair into 5 segments
2. Begin application in the back panels
3. Take 1/4inch horizontal sections in the back panels and 1/4inch vertical sections on the mohawk and side panels
4. Apply 1/2inch from scalp to porous ends
5. Process for 20 minutes
6. Mix fresh color, apply to scalp and ends
7. Process an additional 45 minutes
8. Rinse until water runs clear, shampoo and condition
HighLift Retouch:
1. Part hair into 5 segments
2. Begin application in the back panels
3. Take 1/4inch horizontal sections in the back panels and 1/4inch vertical sections in the mohawk and side panels
4. Apply from the scalp to the line of demarcation
5. Process for 45 minutes
6. Rinse until water runs clear, shampoo and condition
Place the steps for the 10 opportunities in order:
1. Create magic first
2. Identify challenges
3. Recommend solutions
4. The wash House
5. Educate your guest
6. Talk Professionally
7. The color bar
8. Style Experience
9. Review Recommendations
10. 2 minute plan
Horizontal Weave:
1. Part hair into 6 sections
2. Begin at the bottom on the mohawk panel
3. Take 1/4inch sections, skim off the top, drop the bottom and weave the top weave using a 1:2 ratio (pick up 1, leave 2)
4. Complete the back panels first, then weave the front panels
5. Include the hairline in the weave
6. Lock the foils at the hairline, crown, center part, and sideburn areas
7. Weave the box panel at the crown
How to place and fold a foil:
1. Place 1/8inch fold at the base of the slice or weave
2. Secure the foil and hair with your thumb
3. Apply product at the mid-shaft
4. Place your hand under the foil as a platform
5. Apply the product through the ends
6. Secure the top corners using your thumb and index finger
7. Tap the product up to the fold
8. Fold the foil in half and gently pinch the fold using the comb, fold the bottom of the foil and sides
Step perm procedure:
1. Consultation
2. Double Drape
3. Release Form
4. Clarify shampoo
5. Wrap
6. Cotton
7. Process
8. Curl evaluation
9. Rinse
10. Towel Blot
11. Paper Towel Blot
12. Air Neutralize
13. Cotton
14. Neutralize
15. Drop Rods
16. Rinse
17. Towel Blot
18. Style
19. 2 minute plan
Universal Formulation:
1. Determine the natural level/percentage of gray
2. Identify the target level
3. Determine the dominant pigment
4. Refer to the color map to determine how to neutralize or intensity the pigment
What are the 3 PreDry Methods?
1. Flat Wrap
2. Directional
3. Round Wrap
What are the 3 principles of Dimension?
1. Height
2. Weight
3. Depth
What are the 3 section angles?
1. Horizontal
2. Diagonal
3. Vertical