Explain Various Federal Aviation Regulations Terms Flashcards

A review of FAR part 135 regulations for commuter and on-demand flight operations.

13 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

Cards In This Set

Front Back
What are the flight time limitations for unscheduled operations?
8 hours per day (single pilot)
500 hours per quarter
800 hours for 2 consecutive quarters
1400 hours per calendar year
Maximum duty time per day
14 hours
If a deviation is made due to an emergency, how long before a report must be made to the FSDO?
10 days
What are approved electronic devices?
Voice recorders, hearing aids, pacemakers, shavers.
What are the oxygen requirements for unpressurized aircraft?
Pilot will use oxygen at all times above 12,000 MSL, and between 10,000 and 12,000, for any time exceeding 30 minutes.
How often must a part 135 pilot receive hazmat training?
Every 24 months
What are the minimum altitudes allowed for autopilot use?
500' or twice the max a/p loss, whichever is higher
for a non-ILS, 50 < MDA or twice the max a/p loss, whichever is higher
for an ILS, 50 > terrain, or the max a/p loss, whichever is higher
Where are fire extingishers required?
1 on flight deck, and 1 in passenger compartment.
What are the part 135 destination weather minimums?
The weather at the destination must be greater than landing minimums, as shown in weather reports and forcasts.
What are the required passenger briefing items for part 135 flights?
Seat belts, seatbacks upright, location and means for doors and emergency exits, survival equipment, if over flight over water--ditching procedures, if flight > 12,000'--O2 normal and emergency use, location of fire extinguishers.
When do you need an alternate?
If within one hour of ETA:
ceiling is less than 1500 > lowest circling minimum or 2000' > airport (whichever is greater)
visibility is less than 2 miles > lowest visibility minimum or 3 miles (whichever is greater).
What's the minimum single engine climb performance for a part 135 flight?
Must be able to climb 50'/min at the MEA, or 5000 MSL (whichever is greater).
How many seats in the aircraft until GPWS is reqiured?
10, excluding pilot seat(s).