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Phylum Pananthropoda; Subphylum Onychophora
![]() "Walking Worms" or "Claw Bearers". Their body is cylindrical and externally and internally unsegmented, although the nervous and nephridial excretory systems show internal segmental arrangement |
Phylum Pananthropoda; Subphylum Tardigrada
![]() "Water Bears" or "Bear Animalcules" Can enter tun state: the metabolic activities of the organisms are reduced to what seems an impossible level to regulate water los stylet: on mouth in which plant tissues are pierced and juices are sucked in |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata
1)have the first pair
of ventral appendages modified terminally to form opposing claw-like or
pincer-like organs termed chelicerae
2)Lack mandible 3) prosomal and opisthosomal tagmata are comparable to what is termed the cehpalothorax and abdomen of the crayfish |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Xiphosurida
1)six pairs of appendages on the abdomen in addition to the six in what is known as the prosomal region 2) respiratory organs are named gill books 3) "Horseshoe Crab" 4) A pair of compound eyes and two medially eyes |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Arachnida
Pseudoscorpions, Whip Scorpions, Spiders, Soldier Spiders, Harvestmen, Mites,
Phylum Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Arachnida; Order Scorpionies
![]() 1)An elongate central trunk (prosoma), enlarged chelate pedipalps, and the segmented tail (opisthosoma) with its terminal "stinger" are the cardinal characteristics for this group 2) prosoma bears the chelicera, pedipalps, and four pairs of walking legs 3)Pectines: 9th segment only found in scorpions/ comb-like used for sensory 4)Telson- gland located on basal bulb that injects toxin |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Arachnida; order
![]() Very small scorpions Note chelate chelicerae and pedipalps |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Arachnida; order Uropygi
![]() 1)Whip Scorpions 2) Known as Vinegaroons due to the secretions of a defensive or offensive substance from glands in the posterior part of the body with an acetic acid odor like that of vinegar 3) no poison or stinging apparatus and cephalothorax is somewhat narrowly attached to the abdomen |
Clade Arachnata; Subphylum Chelicerates; Clade Euchelicerata; Class Arachnida; Order Araneae
1) True Spiders 2) prosoma is usually the smaller of the two parts, both of which are unsegmented in the adult. 3) The opisthosoma contains the main respiratory, excretory (Malphigian tubules), reproductive, digestive organs,heart, and silk spinning organs 4) The main nerve center is in the prosoma 5) The massive two jointed opposing chelicerae are distinctive |
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea
the Crustacea are
characterized by a pair of appendages, the "mandibles"
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea; Sub Class Maxillopods; Class Branchura
![]() 1) a parasitic existence on gills of fresh water and marine fishes 2) The labrium and labium have formed a cone, used for piercing their host and sucking their food. |
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea; Sub Class
Thoracoracopod; Class phylopoda; Phyla Brachiopoda |
largely freshwater
2) The coxa of the thoracic appendages has a flattened epipodite, which is used as a gill 3)Cladocera(water fleas) |
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea; Sub Class
Thoracoracopod; Class Anostraca |
![]() 1) Fairly shrimp 2) adapted to high salinity and found in large bodies of often temporary salt water |
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea; Sub Class
Maxillopod; Ostracoda |
![]() 1)The Seed Shrimp |
Clade Mandibulates; Subphylum Crustacea; Sub Class
Thoracoracopod; Class Copepoda |
![]() uniramous first antennae are well developed and serve a range of functions in the group-swimming, sensory and mating |