Pain Management,Comfort, Rest and Sleep

Pain Management,Comfort, Rest and Sleep

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

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What pain usually last less then 6 months
Acute Pain
What pain last longer than 6 monthsPatient may develop chronic low self-esteem, change in social identity, changes in role and social interaction, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and depression
Chronic Pain
Pain that comes and goes
Intermittent Pain
Unreversable pain
Intractable Pain
The body contains a natural supply of morphine-like substances called endorphins. Stress and pain activate endorphins. (Not on test below)(Analgesia results when certain endorpins attach to opioid receptor sites in the brain and prevent the release of nrurotransmitters, thereby inhibiting the transmission of pain impulses)
*Pain Transmission* Endorphin
People who have less pain then others from a similar injury have higher endorpin levels.
Making pain the 5th vital sigh -- along with pulse temperature, b/p, and respirations would ensure that pain is monitored on a regular basis.
Use a scale of 0 -10
Making pain the fifth cital sign
The joint Commission requirements for pain control, Requirements(tjc)
Patient will be treated for pain referred for treatment.Pain is to be assessed and regularly reassessed.
NoNopiodsMost widely available and frequently used anagelsic groupUsed primarily for mild to moderate pain.
Acepiaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-flammatory drugs (asprin,ibuprofen,and naproxen sodium)
Administration routes for anagelsicsAlmost instantanious
IV route of choice for opioid meds
Administration routes for anagelsics
works in 15-20 min
IM intramuscular
Provocative/PallitiveWhat provokes the pain? Does anything you do make it worse?Palliative- What makes the pain better
Quality- Sharp, dull stabbing,throbbing pain, burning aching,crampy,pressure,mild,deep,severe,light,etc
Region-Where is the pain?Radiation-Does it spread?
Scale/Severity Ask patient on a scale of 0-10 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain ever, what number.