Pain Management Test 1

Pain Test 1

155 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What are 3 essential components of LA?
Syringe, carpule, needle
Types of syringes?
Non disposable: breech-loading, metallic, cartridge-type, aspirating; Breech-loading, plastic, cartridge-type, aspirating; Breech-loading, metallic, cartridge-type, self-aspirating; Pressure syringe for pdl; jet injector; disposable syringes; safety syringes; CCLAD.
Breech-loading implies what?
The syringe is loaded from the side
What does an aspirating syringe have that a self-aspirating does not?
The harpoon is attached to?
The piston
What happens when negative pressure is exerted on the thumb ring?
Blood enters into the needle IF the needle tip rests within the lumen of a bv.
Name the parts of a syringe.
Needle adapter, syringe barrel, piston with harpoon, finger grip, thumb ring
How do you aspirate?
Apply positive pressure on thumb ring then pull back 1-2mm
How does a self-aspirating syringe work?
Uses the elasticity of the rubber diaphragm inthe cartridge to obtain the necessary negative pressure for aspiration
Does the self-aspirating syringe aspirate as reliable as the harpoon aspirating syringe?
The major factor influencing ability to aspirate is the?
Gauge of the needle being used
What are advantage of a metallic breech loading aspirating syringe?
Visible cartridge, aspirating with one hand, autoclavable, rust resistant, long lasting
What are disadvantage of a metallic breech loading aspirating syringe?
Weight, syringe may be to big for small operators, possibility of infection with improper care
What are advantages of plastic reusable aspirating syringes?
Lightweight, visible cartridge, aspiration with one hand, rust resistant, long lasting with proper maintenance, lower cost
What are disadvantages of plastic reusable aspirating syringes?
Size may be to big for small operators, possibility of infection with improper care, deterioration of plastic with repeated autoclaving