A.P. Literature Allusion Flashcards

Study and Define These A.P. Literature Allusion Flashcards with these quiz-based flashcard quizzes. Get familiar with different terms, definitions in A.P. Literature Allusion Flashcards with quiz-based flashcards quizzes.

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Born of mortal and Zeus; mother dipped him in the river Styx to give him immortality but neglected to include the heel she held him by. Eventually he was killed in the trojan war becuase of this spot
A mortal youth who was loved by aphrodite for his great beauty and killed by a wild boar.
In greek mythology, he was the king who sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to win the gods favor for his war aginst Troy. Also father of Osertes and Electra and unfaithful husband of Clutemnestra.
Goddes of love and beauty
God of the sun; patron of healing; drove a chariot that pulled the sun, so it rose and crossed the sky each day.
A mortal who was a great weaver and very proud of her ability. She challenged Athena to a weaving contest and won. Athenea was mad and turned her into a spider , so she could weave and spin forever.
God of War
Sister of apollo; drives a chariot that carries the moon; goddess of the hunt and patron of virgins seens as a huntress.
Goddess of wisdom and warfare; was born full grown and wearing armor, by springing from the head of Zeus. her symbol is the owl. she was in charge of the arts and crafts
In greek mythology, she was a huntress who promised to marry any man who could outrun her in a footrace. She was defeated by Hipppmenes, who threw golden apples to distract her as she ran. She is the archetype of speed., strength, and daring failed by a trick of the intellect.
In greek mythology, atlas was on of the titans who rebelled against Zeus. As punishment for his actions, he was condemened to forever hold up the heaven on his shoulder
In greek mythology, cassandra was a daughter of priam, king, of troy, had the gift of prophecy but was fated by apollo never to be believed. As an allusion, she represents an accuarte but unheeded prophecy of doom
A race of being half man and half horse
A three headed watchdog who guards the entrace to hades
Chaos is the boid which came into being before anthing else but some say that chaos was born from mist, and that mist twas the first to exist. Others affirm that chaos is not a void, but a rough unordered mass of things. It is also asserted that chaos existed from the beginning toether with Nyx, erebus (darkness of the underworld), and Tartarus, and consequently they consider Chaos to be as Nyx and erebus: one of "the powers below the ground." It is told that during the war between the titans and the oympians, the fight came to such a degree of intesity that an amazing heat created Chos