A&P Exam 1

A&P Exam 1

116 cards   |   Total Attempts: 199

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What is the study of structures of the body that are visible to the naked eye?
Gross anatomy
What is the tendency of the body to maintain an internal state of dynamic equilibrium?
The structure and function of an organism result from the ____ to which the population adapted in the course of its evolution.
Selection pressures
Homeostasis is normally maintained by cycles of self-correcting physiological responses called
Negative feedback
An organ is an anatomical structure made of at least two kinds of
Structures within a cell that carry out specific functions for it are called
A structure that carries out the body's ultimate response to a stimulus is called an
What is the separation of wastes from the tissues and their elimination from the body?
What suggests a method for answering a question?
Primates are defined in part by the presence of ____, which makes the hand as a whole ____, or able to grasp things by encircling them.
Opposable, prehensile
Oldest known bipedal primates
The family to which all living and extinct bipedal primates belong.
Disease, predators, and competition, for example
Selection pressures
Combined the findings of Aristotle and Galen with original discoveries; wrote The Canon of Medicine
Of the Parts of Animals