Orofacial Anatomy Lect FINAL EXAM

103 cards   |   Total Attempts: 190

Cards In This Set

Front Back
CHAP. 1: Intro to Head and Neck Anatomy
  1. Anatomic nomenclature
  2. Anatomical position
  3. Contralateral
  4. Ipsilateral
  5. Sagittal plane
  6. Superior
  7. Inferior
  8. Deep
  9. Superficial
  10. Anterior
  11. Posterior
  12. Median
  13. Distal
  14. Midsagittal section
  1. System of names for the anatomic structures
  2. Erect position, arms at sides, palms & toes directed forward, with eyes looking forward
  3. Structure on the opposite side
  4. Structure on the same side
  5. parallel to the medial plane
  6. Area facing towards the head away from feet
  7. Area facing away from head & toward feet
  8. inwards & away from surface
  9. Located towards the surface
  10. front of area
  11. back of area
  12. structure at the median plane
  13. area far away from median plane
  14. through median plane
CHAP. 2: Surface Anatomy
(REVIEW this)
CHAP. 3: Skeletal System
(Labeling) skull & foramens, fig 3.8, p. 44-45, 85
(40 labels)
Piriform aperture
  • "jack-o-lantern"
  • holds soft tissue of the nose
  • know for labeling & where located (p. 40)
Articular fossa
Aka- Glenoid fossa or Mandibular fossa
CHAP 4: Muscular System
What muscle originates on the inferior border of the mandible & inserts on the labial commissures?
Depressor anguli oris (frowning)
What for/where is Zygomaticus Major muscle?
Smiling, located lateral to Zygo. Minor muscle
What does Zygomaticus Major muscle raise?
Labial commissures
What muscles originate from the Zygomatic arch?
Zygomaticus Minor & Major, Masseter
What muscles are responsible for facial expression (happiness)?
  1. Zygomaticus Major & Levator Anguli Oris (smiling)
  2. Zygomaticus Minor & Levator labii superioris (raising upper lip) assisting
Muscle of mastication that opens mouth (depresses mandible) (only 1)
Lateral Pterygoid muscle
Know anatomical parts of the mandible, p. 68-69
(description & matching)