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Solar/Actinic Keratosis
Rapid Growth, Spontaneous Resolution, Low grade melignancy.Looks: Round, has a Keratin plug (dip)Should Biopsy to make sure you know what it is
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Slow growing, low grade malignancy, Rarely metastasizes Looks: Can have ulcers on them (Nose picture)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Variety of clinical presentations, keratotic.InurationCan be on the lips , floor of mouth
About 5% of all skin cancersA= AssymetryB=Border (jagged, irregular)C= ColorD=Diameter (6mm) - least Reliable of the 4
Seborrheic Keratosis
Found in AA over the age of 40No Risk for CancerWaxy stuck on appearance
Actinic Cheilitis
At the border of the Vermillion and the SkinIncreased risk of SCC
Angular Cheilitis
Clinical Features: Erythema, Fissuring, Superficial ErosionEtiology: Candidiasis
Herpes Labialis
Starts off as BlistersInfection Stage is right after blister has popped, or during blister stage
Walled off by Granulation TissueFluctuant (Fluid Filled)Looks like fibroma (but obviously feels softer)
Tobacco Pouch Keratosis
Leathery, Firm and dried outPremalignant
Linea Alba
Histological Appearance: Epithelial Hyperplasia and Hyperkeratosis
Generalized, Translucent, white appearance of the buccal mucosaWill dissappear when stretched
Result of Chronic TraumaBuccal VestibuleDense scar-like fibrous connective tissue surfaced by epitheliumCan be ulcerated due to patient biting it
Lichens Planus
White Radiating Lines on buccal mucosa