
10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 188

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What is operations management?
The management of proceses and the systems that create goods and or provide services.
Why do companies use OM?
They use it to improce efficency and effectiveness.
What is the pareto phonominom
The 80/20 rule. 80% of the problems are caused by 20% of the activities.
What is the cheif role of a operations manager?
Decidison maker.

What are some tools used by OM to aid in decisions?
models: A abstaration of reality
Quantitative approache: an attempt to obtain optimum solutions tot ehmathematicals models of managerial problems.
Tade off analysis: weather to buy another peiece of equipment
systems approach: a set of interelated parts that work together.
establishing priortites: recognizing the fact managers must direct their effrots to where they will do the most good and to avaid wasting time and energy on insignigicant elements.
What is TQM?
Total quality management; involves every employee in the continual effort to improve customer satifaction.
Lean production
Systems that use fewer resources than mass productionsystems.
What are the three types of productions?
Craft production, mass, and lean producition.
What are the major trends that are affecting OM
INTERNET and ecomerce
supply chains (outsorcing)

Compare good versus services
Goods are tangible outputs of a companys processes and services are tangible outputs that are experienced by the customer.